Built To Fill A Void.

Loop Photostream was inspired by a need in our own life to share photos and allow others to share photos to a central place that didn’t require a complex setup.  I needed a way to share photos with our family that were not images that we would share to social media.  My father was sick and me and my siblings would fly home to help take care of him.  Throughout this time, we would send out pictures to family members of moments we captured either at home or at the hospital.  These were private and intimate photos that we only wanted to share with close family and friends.  We would send out text messages with these pictures but every time we added somebody it would start a new thread.  Soon the images were hard to find and spread out across multiple threads and difficult to view all at once.

This time in my life is what inspired the beginning of Loop Photostream.  Soon after, I realized there were a lot of other times in my life that it would have been great to have a simple and easy way to create an album and allow multiple people to upload or just view what was gong on in my life.  I went to a friends wedding and met a lot of great people and we had a fun weekend celebrating.  Everyone at the wedding was taking their own photos and quickly we realized how easy it would have been to just create a stream and let all these people capture moments and share them with the bride and groom.