Candid Moments. Cameras Everywhere.

Raise your hand if you placed disposable cameras on the tables at your wedding for guests to use. It was a terrific idea but did have some drawbacks. Getting the film developed and waiting to see what photos your guests captured. Printing extra copies and giving them to family and friends was not the most efficient way of sharing. Wouldn’t you have liked a better way to let your guests capture and share the memories of your special day?

Don’t get us wrong, professional photographers are still incredibly valuable but they can only be in one place at one time while all of the festivities take place. Let your guests be your supplemental historians of the big day.

A Loop PHOTOSTREAM Pay-As-You-Go plan could be a simple way to gather images from your wedding attendees. Create a stream. Invite them to view and upload. Share with non-members of your choice.

Moments like these could be captured and shared by family and friends.