All The Sharing. None Of The Drama.

Not all the photos you want to share with family and friends is meant for social media. No worrying if it is okay to tag someone in a photo. Who else will see it? Can they comment and will that cause issues? Drama. Loop PHOTOSTREAM provide a private method for organizing and sharing high resolution images with only those you invite to your streams.

What types of life events or activities is Loop PHOTOSTREAM useful? Here are a few.


Celebrate your special day and let your guests help capture the sentimental and funny moments that everyone will talk about for years to come. Photos can be uploaded and displayed in real-time so it allows others to be there almost virtually. Now doesn’t that reduce some of the drama of your wedding day?


The sweet smell of victory. The agony of defeat. A photo or video of the winning score or record breaking time will provide a memorty to talk about for a lifetime. Share the photos and videos taken at youth sporting events with the team’s coaches and parents. Invite them to upload and download. Never miss any of the action.


Kisses. Cuddles. Smiles. Some people can’t get enough baby pics. Share every moment, every new experience with those you love. Your stream is private so only those you invite will have access to view and download. Take thousands of photos of your new baby. Capture videos of first words and steps. No such thing as too much.


Traveling to scenic destinations is its own reward but what if you forgot to snap a few pics while there? Luckily, one of your friends took photos and can share them with your group. So, years later when you’re remisniscing and say “Remember that time we went to…” you’ll have the photos to look at and smile.


Events in life may only happen once…or in some cases often. Invite those close to you to keep up on what you are doing. Moving to a new city. A new cuddly fur baby. The different stages of pregnancy and parenthood. Private sharing that allows invited members to download or even upload their own photos.